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The images contained on the Clinical Integration: Virtual Patient websites:
- Are solely for the personal use of Michigan State University students while enrolled in the College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws.
- May not be reproduced in any form, including photocopying, except for a single copy for personal use.
- May not be utilized by any information storage and retrieval system, incorporated into a scribe service, or otherwise distributed or made public.
Images from the Webslide Educational Database, © Olympus America Inc. [2012], are marked "WED".
Images from the MBF Bioscience - MicroBrightField, Inc. Biolucida ® are listed as "Biolucida UM" for University of Michigan images and "Biolucida - Iowa" for University of Iowa images.
Images from the Electron Microscopic Atlas, © Dr. med. habil. Holger Jastrow, are marked "Jastrow EMA". Further information about Dr. Jastrow's materials is available at www.drjastrow.de.
Other sources for images/slides are noted when appropriate.
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Faculty of the College of Osteopathic Medicine
Faculty of the College of Osteopathic Medicine