

labeled body Endocrine System Respiratory System Reproductive System a Lymphatic/immune System Integumentary System Digestive System Cardiovascular/circulatory System Muskulo-skeletal/Soft Tissue Urinary Tract General


Cause of Death

  • What primary tissues show variations from normal in this case?
  • Compare and contrast a contusion, laceration, and abrasion.
  • What hormone would be expected to be increased in the patient's serum?
  • Name two primary mechanisms by which growth hormone affects target cells?
  • Why are the integumentary and musculoskeletal changes occurring in this patient?
  • What is the source of the pancreatic pathology in this patient?
  • Describe the relationship between acrochordon development and insulin dysregulation
  • Describe the general macroscopic differences between benign and malignant neoplasms
  • Describe the general microscopic differences between benign and malignant neoplasms
  • What are some of the potentially fatal, long-term consequences of the patient's underlying disease?
  • List this patient's official cause of death

Cause of death
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End of Cause of Death -- Gastrointestinal