Neuro Consult
Given the traumatic findings and altered neurological status of the patient, a neurosurgical consult is ordered.
Goal: allow the most rapid and accurate assessment as to whether the patient's neurologic pathology is due to a structural lesion or a metabolic derangement.
General questions that assess a patient's base neurologic status include the following:
- Verbal response - Spontaneous speech? Oriented to person and place? Following commands? Nonsensical mumbling?
- Eyes - Spontaneous opening? Gaze preference? Nystagmus?
- Pupillary response - Asymmetry? Pinpoint pupils?
- Motor/sensory response - Localize vs withdraw to stimulus? Decorticate vs decerebrate posturing? Abnormal movements?
Neuro Exam
Recalling the patient's original history and physical examination performed in the ED, note the following:
- Patient opens his eyes when addressed.
- Patient is saying words, but not in coherent phrases.
- Patient is not oriented to person and place.
- Patient withdraws when pressure is applied to his fingernail.
What is our patient's Glasgow coma scale score?
End of Neuro Consult -- Gastrointestinal